I really believe that people are talking about me on tv and i believe i have a hidden camera on me. And everywhere i go people are bothering me telling me my thoughts. Does anyone know if there can be a hidden camera injected in my head?
It is schizophrenia. Lots of people here are suffering with similar feelings.
No one can inject a camera into your head, it would make your head swell, your body would reject it
I used to think the same things you do, but it goes away on the proper meds
Could there be a tiny small camera that could be injected into me? And can it be pointed in a way that could record my face?
And also did you hear the tv talking about you? Like constantly non stop
The tv is talking to me and commenting on evrything i think… Could they see me on camera in the background or something? Im trying to figure it out
Yes I had all of this before I was on meds. If your on meds they are not working enough. Tell your dr. And get an adjustment. It’s not real. You are misinterpreting things going on around you.
When I was unwell I would think the radio was talking about me, they call it ‘delusions of reference’ and it’s a common symptom of mental illness.
There’s not a hidden camera in your head. That’s impossible. It’s the illness.
No there are no camera’s in you, they don’t make such a thing, the body would reject it and even if they could it would be very expensive and your not doing anything that someone would bother. No one on tv can hear or see you, it is a delusion you are having, I used to be the same way as you
No. No such thing. You’re suffering from a variation of an extremely common type of delusion. Very treatable through medication and therapy.
Many schizophrenics have similar symptoms. It’s your brain tricking you, that stuff seems real to you but it’s just the disease.
So why does everywhere i go people knows who i am?
Was the people on the radio talking to you?
Was the tv actually talking to you? And did everywhere you go people were talking about you like they know you?
They were reading my thoughts and talking about them on the air.
Why do you think this do they know your name?
You may not interpret it this way if your brain was working properly. I’m sorry.
Omg that is the exact thing im going through now. That is my problem. How long did it last? And how did it stop?
No they dont know my name but they was saying everything i was thinking and they know who i am like im THAT girl who they are talking about on tv.
I think delusions of reference can all get started by a coincidence. Someone on the media made a statement that fitted what I was thinking about until I thought he was just talking to me. One thing led to another, and I started assuming the conversation was to and about me. Not so.