Meds never gave me much relief. Some locals suffered a nervous after meeting a wealthy person threatening to mess us up. Actually she was sex abuse victim who told all the ladies a bunch of scary stuff about her abuser, even introduced us immediately. This caused PTSD in victims who lived alone and some girls in college who were away from home. I know she did this to LOTS of people here as cops ignore this like a scam here & even have set plan to ruin victims that has played out over 20+ years almost exactly. Lady knew exactly what she was doing but abuse was so bad over the years, she really didn’t care. So, eventually all the memories returned at once and many had a nervous breakdown…This is called selective amnesia. As I was running at 100%+ at nasty & demanding job & I functioned fine, stress level was pretty high anyways but had memory blanking on just this lady’s stuff as I lived alone. Some suffered insomnia that sent them to mental care. Mental care here had LOTS of these situations and just took advantage, working the victims up worse and nervous breakdowns resulted and victims usually got fired from their jobs too. Then woman would let her abuse harass the victims sometimes getting a sexual submission and other times they would follow orders from the voices to stalk & verbally harass new victims (thought broadcasting), vandalisms, lots of trespassings, thefts, mess up coworkers/produce more victims for him. Some victims did parking lot which happens in some cities as they hold old cars of the abuses & drive them around to stalk new people. This family was wealthy enough to never really need to work so the males can spend their time messing with anyone from Canada to Mexico, ocean to ocean working on a submission or getting on a plane to do the same. They even buy the submissives same vehicle as person they are torturing so they can park in victim’s driveway.
Other people heard the voices after cracking up in college after meeting a similar type of situation, ex-wives of someone wealthy, unwilling mistresses, sex abuse victims, business rivals can develop psychosis too. Any experimentation with hard drugs also causes induced psychosis keeping the victim close to drug lords for rest of life and more prone to dealing.
If you have a story like this, if you do not talk about the group much, you do not return any contact attempts, you do nothing confrontational about the situations, do not follow orders from voices or talk aloud to self, you may get relief in 2-3 years by ignoring the voices. Do not have any more contact with anyone you met through the group, and you may be stalked.
Some cities just had anyone who was not hearing the voices begin to have psychosis. If you hear orders from voices while out in public, just leave. Voices clear up eventually.
Ex-wive situations are tough. If you do not have any more contact with the spouse & do not discuss the past, sometimes you will get relief. But I really recommend you move away to smaller town as some of these poor ladies end up victims of violent crimes/theft/cop problems if they remained in the city. Can happen in smaller town due to meth lab guy too. Cops in country don’t always care either…
This kind of situation situation I described has left some hearing the voices some of the time for 30 years. As you can assume, my city is pretty screwed up as this group of people hunted in more ways. Other wealthies moved here to make use of this network & their victims. Lots of these groups’ victims do not act right and follow orders from voices to harass people, sit in restaurant in small group to bug another patrol (guided conversation- talking about something humiliating to victim), latch on a relationship to work him/her over, screw up their employer/customers, violent crimes. Recently some churches have really worked on cause stalking /preach stalking sending out their members to harass people in the community who ended up on disability pay after mental care. There is so much anger from these as people who got nothing after their mental problems started…The 20s somethings of this kind of situation are a growing problem & harmful force used against the victims (delusion of persecution). The middle aged men, some of whom made their way by screwing people when voices told them of opportunity, are huge problem of predatorial behaviors hunting down women for sexual submission or just harassment. If any of the males turns a 180 degrees on you or throws a public display of disrespect, you need to excuse yourself from the situation as any more contact and he will probably ruin you.
If you think you have a trespasser, you should not ask for police report unless everything in there was stolen. My police try to determine who is on disability pay for mental care and will lock up anyone who reports trespassing by strangers, even if you see the person leave and know who it is. You will be given a psych evaluation as long as the Dr can justify if you try to report this to police here. There is no way to get restraining order without pictures and most camera systems are broken immediately if you try this route. Neighbor with cell phone is more likely to get pictures of whatever is happening in your absence. Some steal old clothing out of your trash or your old coat so they can come/go without being noticed, especially bad if you wear uniform to work. Consider running it over with lawn mower before you throw out and NEVER wear hats…Burglar alarms are useless as some have found multiple pets running the neighborhood after locking up a house with alarm system or it is set off by trespasser leaving. Changing locks is useless. Some hardware stores steal keys you copy when you first move or almost always when you rent…Copy of key is dropped into trash as accident and retrieved by employee later to facilitate this, but keys can be obtained a number of ways. In my area, extensive damage to personal property for a decade after a nervous break is normal…some had to almost get rid of everything in house & just keep a mattress, work clothing and toiletries in there. And sometimes forced to eat out as the food got frozen or fridge unplugged…One can turn to this lifestyle for a couple years after problems began and things get better eventually. It can be a problem to share walls with the 20somethings in apartments now if you are psychotic. The nuts will stalk you, harass you and noise blast you out so REALLY consider living in detached housing so you can remain functional for work & health by sleeping enough. In some cities, stalking by large gangs of youth who harass new adults (even scaring military away from living near the base) can happen – gang stalking. NEVER answer this kind of behavior aloud but really consider moving as sometimes fires or home invasions will happen next if your community’s kids are pulling this initiation.
This is point when some women get married or shack up. It will keep the predatorial males away, some stalkers and trespassers. It you have a man walk up talking about something private to you, this may be a good invite to accept as he understands it. You have to judge for yourself as people get mostly all good or all weirdo. You just have to find out…A person who doesn’t call you a mental case is best option for success.
First, the mental care will not discuss the social stuff, calling it delusional. So unfortunately, this is the policy of mental care even if it is not in best interest of functioning patients. If you ever get confrontational with the mental care, you will be given a forced psych hospitalization for as long as Dr can justify at your own expense. Just don’t!
What do meds cause? Look up the side effects for sure. Some do cause a LOT of sun sensitivity and you may not be told. I spent a few hours on the lake with seroquel only to have bubble wrap blisters all over head, arms and legs that took 6 weeks to heal. Use caution with the sun for a while and walk at dark or dawn. Risperdal causes a lot of sexual side effects and menstrual stoppage, plus irritable bowl problems, maybe huge weight gain… Zyprexa makes appetite huge and causes LOTS of rapid weight gain. Lower carb type diets get best results to keep weight down, as well as moderate cardio exercise and weight lifting. Lots of people feel like zombie on meds.
Social problems don’t change. You have to try several different meds and take 3+ meds to get results on social problems. You may be in a sick place. I hope you are 18+ so you can make the changes to make the best life for yourself, if not, the time comes eventually. A lot of the people in the community with the sex abuse victim I met were helping here out or harassing people, if you were new to town and had no clue what was happening there, no wonder you got in trouble. This is frequently how things can go for high school kids new to community and FREQUENTLY TAKES DOWN COLLEGE GIRLS HANGING OUT WITH THE WEALTHIES WHO HAVE SOMETHING WRONG. The next thing down the road may be setup to screw you. This is how things work in my city, next good job location down the road will frequently screw up victims 5-6+ times for moving…Ask around to see if anyone else will tell you anything. I HIGHLY recommend you only move if you know a local or you are taking a relationship/roommate. Some of these smaller towns even, especially Colorado, were ruining some women who moved there alone making prostitutes even and ruining your job to land you. YOU MUST KNOW A LOCAL WHERE YOU MOVE IN ORDER TO BE OKAY. Sharing walls is recipe for disaster so expect to need a detached house for best results.
Meds can be helpful to sleep. Seroquel used at bedtime in 50mg+ doses and cut into pieces is most help I’ve found as nothing else stopped the voices, expect for working at hospital job I tried answering all the Dr=Dr calls or emergency paging at 80+ calls/hour. Could not stand the job due to the terrible software they used that barely worked, so had to quit. Never really got to sleep enough anyway in swing shift so was best to avoid this law suit option.
As long as you don’t talk aloud to yourself, the problems with the strangers will pass. I really suggest you take job in back or work on getting jobs from home eventually. Some of the colleges now openly discriminate against mentally ill so you need to pay cash for 2-3 classes before you get student loans or Pell Grant at a college. If you drop because of mistreatment, you may have to pay back either loans or Pell Grant immediately. A psych dr note from your established care relationship can be taken to the Disability Supports office at the college to ensure you won’t be treated wrong…Sadly, this may be needed so you could sue if mistreated. You could use it to take tests/homework in quiet location if professor or students are making loud distractions. YOu may be given alternative assignments if you are doing group assignment and others won’t cooperate. Or you can talk to dean easier if the professor is not following syllabus any longer…I recommend you just keep quiet if you have a professor who is not following the syllabus, and you just file this paperwork and this will clarify whatever he was thinking and all will go just fine afterwards. So sadly, you may have the whole class start to act like 1960s Civil Rights moment in some places so just be prepared…
Some are told to go to a specific church to have the voices stop. This can be a trap. Victim is put through healing circus show, wallet checked and thrown back out onto street with more harassers, even at work. Some people get stuck in wrong church following orders from voices still but lead by a dirty businessman and really unable to leave it without retaliation…Moving away can even be hard if you try one of the huge non-denominational churches or pentacostals. If you are ever shamed from a church called ‘mobbing’ – do not answer & leave the place quietly. You will be okay & this is best outcome for your mistake. Denominational churches frequently will have their members harassing some people too as the whole church just submits to the latest demands from whomever, keep your mouth shut & labor where you can to be okay.
Considering the lady I met who said her family business was driving people crazy, I think it works okay to have duality of beliefs and just keep my mouth shut/respect the care system as it does help with sleep. I ignore a lot of annoying strangers sometimes and just don’t talk about it as recounting it just gives it greater power…I have been screwed at a couple jobs and screwed out of three living arrangements that were too messed up or threatening sharing walls with the psychotics youngers…It has been costly but some of the landlords are dealing with non-discrimination laws in housing by renting out apartment to mental illness victims with nutty behavior case neighbors who were repeatedly a problem…I’m still paying for a housing situation that I could not occupy due to neighbor who I think ran out previous tenants and landlord did not disclose it. (I’m 40 btw.) Some people have been screwed out of multiple jobs at different companies, companies just keeping thugs and running through the poor skilled support help every few months even if not in mental care. Things are tough everywhere…