Help Us, Help You - Visitor / User Survey - Please Respond Today

Dear visitors,

We have a special new survey (very short - 1 to two minutes) that we’d really appreciate your filling out. Please click on the link below and help us improve the site:

Let us know if you have any questions or trouble filling out the survey.

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Have done the survey.

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Is this for regulars also?

Its for anyone and everyone - please fill it in!

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finished filling it in!

Thanks! I Appreciate it.

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Done. Just finished survey…

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I noticed some people are not completing the entire survey. Given its such a short survey I’m curious on why this is? Is something confusing or difficult - please let me know.

It only went as far as 4 questions and when I said “next” for the next page it said “Survey has been completed,”

Right - if you don’t have / use a smartphone - then the survey is shorter. You don’t have a smartphone I guess - is that right?

I’ve completed the survey. Now where is my free tote bag (the one with Schizophrenia in big letters)? :wink:

No, that explains it. I don’t have a smartphone.

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I finnished al questions but when I tap on next on the last page it returns me to the first page. I didn’t saw anything that said the survey is completed.

Thanks for letting me know - I’ll quickly check into it.

Please try again - and let me know if you can finish it now.

I was able to finnish it now thanks

Wow, a deep and insightful 4 question survey. I am left in awe.

More than 4 questions. Did your browser not load additional pages?


Browser rendered just fine. Took the first 4 questions, then got shown a page that said thanks for completing the survey. I think another user said it only loads 4 questions if you indicate you don’t have a smartphone (I don’t - I use my desktop exclusively).

Erf. Could be a Polldaddy issue. I know I answered a whackload.