the government after me

I need help…I feel like I’m about to break. Ever since my dog died, I’ve been thinking a government agency has been after me. And it’s been really hard to know if it’s real or not even with medication. So what do you guys think?

It’s most likely delusional thinking. Why would the government be after you? Did you do something wrong?

You don’t realize how lucky you are, I can guarantee you that there is absolutely nobody after you. You are completely safe and you can rest easy knowing that, your not that special it’s all in your head. There are genuinely people after me unfortunately, ah I pissed the wrong guy off

No, but they might want to expirement on me

The us government doesnt experiment on people

It’s not real. You have schizophrenia.

You’ll realize someday that’s this was all in your head.

From an outsider’s point of view, this sounds like a delusion. It’s a common delusion as far as I have heard. But for now, let’s assume it isn’t a delusion. What evidence do you have that makes you think the government is after you? What does the government have to gain in going after you, given that it costs money and resources to send people to spy on you or bring you down? Why would they experiment on you when they could get people with sz to voluntarily sign up for studies?

Your words are reassuring

No government isn’t after you …

I’m curious to know why you think the government is after you, was it just a feeling you have or did the voices trick you into it??

With me it’s always the voices that convince me first

It’s a feeling and voices

Government has no interest in you


At one point I thought the mafia was after me… but it was all in my head

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I hope it’s just my schizophrenia messing with me

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Of course it is sure, I know it’s hard but you have to think of that first before it progresses.i would give anything for it to be in my head

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That’s what sz does. I believed there were cameras watching me too. It’s the horrible part about delusions that you can’t tell they’re not real. It’s good to come to this forum and get reassurance. Rest assured it’s not real even though it feels very real, feelings are misleading. Fear and paranoia are tough to deal with, hang in there

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hey john, i thought people were after me, its not true,

i had more reason to think that way but that doesn’t matter

luckily i’m taking a good med for me and i dont get paranoid or delusional anymore.

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I thought they were after me for years. They made my illness worse in the beginning and I am really bitter about it but they had plenty opportunities to get me and they never did.

I got thrown in the hospital against my will a few times but that was it. Once I was in there about 30 days. I kept asking to get out and they kept saying no so finally I quit asking. When they told me I was getting out I was like yeah right but they discharged me.

No one is after you. It’s part of the illness I quit a job once (working for the government) because they were intentionally aggravating my symptoms. They were paying me really well though to take that abuse. When I said I quit they told me I had to give 30 days notice and I said no I quit today.

I went back to my room and waited for hours for them to come and get me. I had an 8 hour drive to get back home. No one ever came to get me. I drove the 8 hours straight through psychotic as hell.

They won’t give me a job like that anymore. I have tried getting one. Maybe I should have taken the abuse but any longer and I would have been hospitalized for sure. I was not stable then at all.

Why do you think they are after you? If you don’t have tangible proof it’s probably just paranoia and delusions. It’s part of the illness.

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