Hello Everyone!
About me:
I am in my 20s and was diagnosed with schizoaffective and multiple personality disorder 8-9 years ago. Since then I am coping, without much of help or support from anyone.
Its been very long that I have felt any connection with anyone other than with my dogs. No one around me seems to understand anything. For 2-3 years I have been very distant from everyone and absolutely just to myself and lately, been looking out for people with whom I can talk and discuss, people who would understand things like I do. I am an artist and designer by profession.
I am new here and have no idea how this forum works. I would love to connect with people around the world. 
Looking forward!
Have a great day ahead!
welcome how are you doing today?
Thanks @everhopeful
How are you doing?
Thanks @austinsdad. Today I have again started with my meds after a long time. I had given up on it. So its kinda hazy. But all day is good till I keep fighting and succeed to survive. I have got some of the bad schizo voices always telling me how bad I am and why I should end my life. Its a struggle every second. I feel proud to just have made through another day everyday. 
Btw, How are you?
Thanks @Patrick How are you doing? 
Thanks @saurav How are you? 
It could be worse,at least you aint killing nobody,thats something. …it aint nothing.
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Welcome! I hope you find all you wish to find here. If you are looking for someone to talk to I’m looking for an emailing pin-pal.
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I hear ya it’s a struggle day to day but it’s worth to still be here