I feel like they’re more active cause I’m sick and can’t really do much to drown them out. I have a fever and everything hurts they need to shut up
Fever can cause hallucinations, I think
Noise, I have been reading some of your past posts from 2017. I know you can’t take med. It has been two years now. Are you still not taking any med. How did you cope with your symptoms? Hope you feel better soon.
I was hearing garbly voices at my BFF’s house yesterday. She asked me if I was under any stress. I thought I wasn’t but then, I was with her, so, I guess I was.
I"m not hearing them as much since I yelled at one of the voices.
Still not on meds. It’s been a lot of therapy and coping mechanisms. Its not the easiest but I manage.
Been off APs for the last 2 months.
Been on Amyloban for about 3 weeks.
Better than any AP I’ve tried. I couldn’t form sentences on Clozapine; it was hard to talk.
You get used to it. Now I know how my father feels on a daily basis.
If life gives me lemons; I’ll make lemonade. But I wont add artificial sweetener to it.
(Please nobody go off your meds without tapering and a pdocs approval.)
Does your voice get worse overtime? How can you manage to sleep?
My voices spike sometimes.
As for sleep I just try my best. Lay down get cozy and sleep. sometimes I listen to music till I’m super tired. Nightmares happen but I’m pretty good at calming myself
Good for you. I hope you never have to use med. Sometimes they do more harm than good. However if things get worse, you might want to give it a try. God bless you!
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