Hearing test while hallucinating?

Have any of you had to do a hearing test while having auditory hallucinations?

I see the ENT for the first time tomorrow because I failed my hearing test and have fluid in my ears. As I lay here in bed it occurs to me that I might have to redo a hearing test with this new doctor. But I’ve been hearing voices for a few days now and I’m not sure how that will work.


I’ve heard that when one is having severe auditory hallucinations, their ability to hear actually decreases. Not sure tho. There’s been times my voices were so loud i couldn’t hear people actually taking to me.

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Interesting. I always hope I can get away with just saying “mental illness” instead of specifying sz when I see new doctors for physical health stuff. But I guess this is an instance I’ll probably have to tell them I’m actively hallucinating. :-1:

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Hope your hearing is okay. The fluid on your ears is probably treatable, it doesn’t sound like it’s serious enough to permanently damage your actual hearing.
I think if you’re concentrating on responding to the tones they use for hearing tests, you should be okay. As I recall, they use a series of frequencies or tones to determine how well you hear. Not voices or other odd noises.


Yeah, when they did the last one at my PCP office it was beeps. I only heard one out of I’m assuming several.

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