He takes things way to slow

I know that slow and steady wins the race but we been together almost 5 years and yet we still haven’t moved out together. He has his own place which when the mortgage is up next year we will be able to look closer to London but until then we are stuck. I can move in with him but I lose my freedom pass (travel pass) because he doesn’t live in London.


Have you spoken to him about how you feel?


I have but nothing can be done I’m afraid until the mortgage is up.

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Discuss these things with him openly and come up with solutions together

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Probbaly not a good idea to live together unless youve made a sworn oath to eachother that you will remain together for life, in the presence of the community and God. Otherwise its possible you may become preganant, separate, doing untold hard to your children growing up with only one parent.

I didnt move in with my gf for 6 years.


Don’t believe in those things and it’s not like sex even happens lol and even if it did I’m going to move in with with him without marriage. Not having children.


Maybe I just need some patience.


End of this year we start to look and hopefully the end of next year we will have moved.

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Is it not the custom for the woman to hurry things up?

Maybe talk with him about it:

-Your moving to slow! :sob:

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My wife and I kept separate households for over a year before getting married. It was important to both of us to not repeat past mistakes.


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