Have you had Covid-19? - Poll

I had one these polls awhile back but I’m sure the results will have changed since then.
Have you had Covid?

Have you had Covid 19?
  • Yes, I’ve had it
  • No, I have not
  • Unsure

0 voters

I had it at the beginning. April/May 2020.

Bad enough to go to the hospital, but they said my lungs looked good and no ventilator needed. So they sent me home.


My family and I had it end of September and beginning of October.

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Not only have I not gotten Covid, I haven’t gotten sick period since March of last year. It’s pretty great actually. Must be the mask and the social distancing.

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I have been vaccinated and a booster but one night I had trouble breathing.

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Weird. I expected more people to have had it by now.

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Maybe everyone on the forum is protecting themselves and getting vaccinated.


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