In AA they sometimes talk about taking the “geographical cure”. That’s when you think you are going to solve all your problems by moving somewhere else. The problem is that it doesn’t work. You bring your problems with you. I still think about taking the geographical cure, though. I check out the populations of different cities on the internet and try to figure out what living there would be like. If I did move it might help me for a little while, but then I would go crazy again.
I used to think about it but realized it wouldn’t actually help me.
I’m thinking about moving to Texas because there seems to be more psychiatric care there along with regular health care. There’s a shortage of psychiatrists here.
I think about this a lot too
Didn’t realise they had a term like that for it
Mine is more financial
Can work from anywhere, but I am stuck here to be near my parents
They refuse to move with me, so I have to decide whether to stay or not
There would be a good chance I would end up in the mental hospital again if I did that.
That’s a good point to bring up with my mental illness I’ve experienced the “ geographic cure “ plenty of times. After awhile I realized it wouldn’t make any difference if you moved somewhere unless you could afford a nicer house , had better work opportunities and knew more people that support you in the place you are going to move to. So I decided to stay in my hometown my whole life .
When I was psychotic I had this thing were I would have to sue my shrink and move to America to get away from all this shame and problems…
Well the strange thing was I did! ( Not the suing but the moving ) And yes. I got to reinvent myself in many ways but it didn’t work out. Still had a lot of fun because I was different and I could play up on that but honestly. Your right. It did give me confidence and fond memories but unless your rich it’s never going to be the dream you think…
I’ve lived in several continents and have discovered I belong in the motherland for now.
The healthcare and social security in Belgium are amongst the best.
Might move again one day, but I would have to be very stable and with an easy flight home.
95% of the time I am my own biggest problem.
I have to move at the end of August 2023.
…Been living here for almost 20 years.
I will more than likely stay in the same state, but might live somewhere entirely different, and that’s a little daunting. My state is small though, so it’s not the worst— but it’s still a major change and uprooting.
Some days I dream about moving to the South American country where my mom is originally from. I love it there, have family there, and have had some really good times there as well.
The lifestyle down there is a simpler one. Some days I feel that’s what I need— a low-key existence where living is living, and not some parade of who has the best toys and who has the most things.
Anyways. I dunno how much good it would do, but I’ve often thought about it.
I agree with you @Schztuna. I often dream of moving to Mexico where my father is originally from. I have so many relatives and great memories from there.
I wanted to early on when I got sick. Most people were against it. Then I got better. Then depressed. Around that time when I had got better people were suggesting I move temporarily to shake things up. Change for sake of change. I had moved places already before getting sick and after. I didn’t want to embarrass myself. Sad thing was I figured out my limitations.
I am no more psychotic but depressed/fatigued.
If I move it won’t be a cure.
They say there’s increased incidence among immigrants. I first had symptoms, the first time I moved away from my state. It can be a lot of stress. I moved because someone was breaking into my house. Should have kept it. The worst mistake I made.
They’re very skeptical about the geographical cure in AA because you bring your alcoholism with you when you move. I guess if you’re not alcoholic the geographical cure might work, except that for people like us we bring our schizophrenia with us.
I think it is true for most psychological problems.
“Wherever you go, there you are” - someone
You can’t runaway from yourself.
You usually bring your problems with you.
I tried the geographical cure and it didn’t work. I’m back where I started now.
I still dream of the geographical cure though.
The grass is always greener.
Same here. I am exactly the same about it as you.