Have you ever met someone in person after meeting them online?

My first serious boyfriend I met online when I was in high school. I searched for industrial music listed in the profiles of people who lived close to my town. This was on AOL. We went to 2 proms and I followed him to college.

In my 20s I met 3 people who I met on Second Life.

Now I’m trying to meet folks in my area using Bumble.

Have you ever met up with someone you met online?


Once. Back in the 90s I met someone who I knew online.

I didn’t want any romance, but it turned out they did, so it was very awkward :sob:

I haven’t met anybody like that since.


No I never have. But I would like to but I dont have any close online friends:(


Yes. One woman I met online almost 15 years ago and we’re still friends now.


I met my last two girlfriends online. Ended up in a 2 yr and 10 yr relationship.

Now that I’m sad I can’t even get a woman to talk to me

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I’ve met an unfortunate amount of people from the Internet lol

I say unfortunate because it’s not smart/safe I don’t think…


Yep. No serious relationships though.

One meet-up was really good.

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Yes, quite a few times. I met a few women when I was the service that I met on Match and we dated for a little while. Well, the third one was sort of just a fling but she ended up really liking me. Idk. Weird situation.

It’s typically safe as long as you use common sense. Meet in a public area etc.


I made friends with a lad on my course at university on a student forum. Then found him in person and we got along really well. I still have his number


Yeah, my wife. Met online in the late nineties. Still married.


No. I really would like to meet one or two folks here though, if I still lived in Cali!

JK I wouldn’t do that I know we all love our anonymity, but still


met both my wives online…divorced the first one, I don’t have two wives…haha…but I date online when i’m single…


At least twice, one was a letter friendship, the other one I met after a sms chat

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I met my husband online, and we’ve been together 21 years

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Yes I met a girl on a forum and she came down to me and we had a night out. She was deaf and then I got ill so we didn’t stay in touch

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