Have you ever heard voices?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Not sure

0 voters

It’s often assumed that psychosis means hearing voices but is this automatically true? I am not sure whether I have but have had brief experiences that may or not be called voice hearing. However it has not been a dominant symptom even if true.


Not all the time thankfully. Last time was about two weeks ago when I heard a female voice say ‘evil’ but I was the only female in the room.

I don’t get voices talking to me in my head and i have paranoid schizophrenia. I do however hear people say things which has led to me attacking people :scream:

Yes but really when I was on Abilify

oh yes… When I was younger and in worse health… I also saw people who weren’t there.

Not much, but when I did it was bad and clearly evident.

The internal voices is what really gets me…internal stimuli. Usually I don’t have much external stimuli.

I thought this poll was a joke for a second.

Yes I have heard voices for what a few years now.

I never heard voices.

I hear voices all day everyday nonstop

Yup. Nice to see i’m not alone. Went through the “psychic” delusion too. Happens rarely.

I hear voices almost constantly but that’s not what makes me a psychotic maniac, what sets me apart from a sane person is the ALL ENCOMPASSING feelling that I have that I have of constant paranoia.

Because that effects me on sooo many levels that the voices are a joke compared to “the feeling”.


i am officially paranoid…
what voices ?
where are these voices coming from ?
are they near me ?
" AARRhhhhhhhhhhh !?! :scream:…lol :smiley:
take care :alien:

Right now i believe my voices are real people some nice and some not so nice. Give anything for them to not be real. I know that sounds strange.

i feel the same way, it’s the paranoid thoughts and feelings that comes with the voices, not the voices themselves.

Yes, I have heard and still hear voices. Sometimes constantly.