I was reading a thread earlier about how different people hear voices and found one person who sounded EXACTLY like what I have but sadly cannot find the thread again It’s very hard trying to figure all of this out at the moment because I cant quite grasp what is going on in my head. I will be recieveing a DX next week and I’m scared it will be schizophrenia as I have extreme paranoia and delusional thinking etc etc.
However, when the Psych asked me if I hear voices I said yes… but im not sure if i do now. I have had definite auditory hallucinations in the past (clearly coming from outside my head) but at the moment it is internal and I’m w2ondering if anyone has a similar experience… So, I sometimes have a running commentary ‘’…she’s brushing her hair…’’ etc (really annoying), or a different voice that tells me to hurt myself. Then theres other voices that just say random annoying ■■■■, like the word ‘blue’ out of nowhere. The thing is though, these voices, I hear in my own voice… It’s like someone else saying something to me (i.e not my thought) but in my own voice or sometimes in my voice but slightly different. Does anyone else have this?
It can be extremely confusing for me to tell if these are actually just things that I’m thinking subconciously and then saying to myself because I also have intrusive thoughts… The way I tell the difference though, is that my intrusive thoughts are usually disturbing flashing images and very fast. When the voices happen though, I generally do not recognise the thought as being mine… Does that make any sense? Does anyone else have this? Can this be classified as a hallucination?
Well, research into psychotic disorders (including schizophrenia) seems to be revealing more and more that there are multiple different issues going on that have all been labeled under the same umbrella. Hearing voices in one’s own mind or like loud, separate thoughts, and then hearing voices as sounds outside of one’s ears, are obviously two different experiences, but both have been considered “hearing voices” by many professionals, and both have been described as “hallucinations” and both have been considered symptoms of “schizophrenia” which has been a big umbrella term for many possible symptoms.
But at the end of the day, all of it is coming from the brain organ. As far as what parts of the brain, how it is working on a very fine-details level, and so on, I imagine that as time and research goes on, we will see more distinguished issues being identified. For now a lot of it is a more straightforward, pragmatic approach, i.e. “Are these experiences abnormal? Are they causing you distress? Are they making it difficult for you to function in your daily life? What can we try in regards to treatment to help you with this problem?”
Thank you so much for your replies! It was really helpful to have another point of view. I have since been seen by 3 psychologists and refferred to the Early intervention team for a full assesment. This is being labelled as my ‘first episode’. All dawnting but glad im getting help sooner rather than later!
Yeah it’s not technically hearing voices, it’s called thought insertion and many people w psychosis experience it. It’s like there are thoughts in your head that don’t come from you…so you confuse it as someone else talking to you. All my voices talk telepathically as well.
As long as there are no visual and auditory distortion, and product of that people harm themselves and others. Internal debate is just a part of having intellect.
Real observations should be made… I know a lot people like to diagnose themselves often, but there are very specifics parameters to follow when diagnosing someone with schizophrenia.
It seems like you had some of that unpleasant experience. Having a notes about all what’s going on is good idea.
“Hey you in my mind, say some ■■■■.” I say to them.
“Okay. What would you like me to say anyway? How about what we were talking with you about earlier? About how your entire planet is enslaved right now and nothing is going very well for humans or animals? About how your money systems are being used to control all of you and kill everyone basically? What would you like me to talk about?” They say in my mind, not auditorily but to my mind’s senses.
“Yes, that will do, this person doesn’t know what it’s like.” I answer.
“It’s just like talking to anyone else. Your brain hears/senses it and you have a reaction to it. But with this you can’t visually see them, that’s all that it is, but yeah we are speaking to these people and believe it or not we talk to all of you sometimes without you knowing.” They say.
So just to give you an idea of what’s it’s like right now; I’ve just been awake practically all night with the voice being CONSTANT! I would fall into a state of half sleep for a short only to wake up and hear it talking away. Not sure if it was waking me up or if I was just waking up but needless to say I haven’t slept and my ears are ringing like I’ve been listening to loud music all night.
When it gets bad like that the voice/voices don’t stop until I do what they want me to do i.e wake up and make the room light so I can be on the look out for anything coming. It kept talking about ‘greys’ all night which got me freaked! Also my boyfriend said at 4.30 I woke up and turned the light on which I do not remember doing at all and I never do stuff like that usually.
I hate this, how do you guys deal?!!!
P.s do you get images flashing through your mind as well? Or is that just me imagining stuff… hhhhmmmm
Thanks for sharing that! That’s kind of what it’s like for me except I don’t really talk to mine, they usually just comment on what I’m thinking a lot and talk to each other which can get really noisy! Do you have more than one voice?