Called my sister, and she has option…
My android is 9,and from v10 you can have option…
Yes you have the option on the phone. It isn’t working to change the forum.
I see I’ve broken a few of the rules over the years.
Especially the one that might as well be named “don’t be a salty b-word”
That’s one of the unspoken ones.
I am the biznatch of the pumpkin patch.
(Ducks ban hammer.)
It’s been brought to my attention , @Aziz , that manually repinning topic SHOULD work. I had some issues with it in the past, though. Maybe I did something incorrectly. Anyway, I’d say its worth a shot for you to keep the new settings, go into topic and manually repin rules, if you wish to keep rules on top. Theoretically, it should work.
Maybe logging out of forum and logging back in might have an impact? In order for new settings to to take effect? I’ve been told it works, but like I said, I personally had issues getting old rules to pin and stay on top after changing settings. @Aziz
I just pinnned it and it seems to work so far.
15 characters
Let me know if they stay or end up not sticking. I would like to be sure if it comes up again.
How is gun control issues political?
It affects the whole of society.
Maybe I’m missing something
Mods have to make interpretations @Wave . In the updated rules you will see that the policy is to, if you have a disagreement with a call a mod makes, to privately pm them. So rather than bring up the debate on it here, I would recommend that you do this to not start waves on the forum. If you have a question, please PM @anon4362788 privately.
Thanks @Wave . I appreciate it.
I saw what you did there.