This was happening to me back in 2008 when I was unmedicated. As I am hallucinating some now, I’m listening to the radio and have the TV turned off.
In a strange, weird, different way, yes.
They have talked about me and directly to me in the past. I’m afraid of the tv and the coincidences
It may be controversial to say this, but I have memories when I was a young child of staring at the static on the TV and finding a code/foreign language. It felt like I had autism and was hallucinating. I wrote down the language which was foreign. I think my pastor said it was Greek or some ■■■■. This was before schizophrenia. This was in the early 1990s. I thought it was a signal coming from the moon. Or maybe God talking to me. I think it was a satellite.
Then I noticed that the government can select/choose certain/single TVs and target someone/group where only certain TVs air specific information/programs in a local/single area instead of all the TVs on a certain channel or area. I had dreams about this. This would be advanced, but contributed to my schizophrenia and paranoia. In addition, I learned that “they” can watch and see us through the TV. My uncle told me stories of this too, which pretty much confirms this.
Due to schizophrenia, I see “codes” and get delusions and patterns on Youtube trailers, the news, etc. Sort of like John Nash in Beautiful Mind where he can see patterns in the newspapers, TV, and magazines. It causes delusions but I also find it fun and addictive where I can do it for hours.
I wonder what people think about this crap.
Yes thats one of my biggest “symptoms”. People HATE when I’m tuned in. On the news that try to get me to change the channel and sports too. Phil mickleson hates me also he doesn’t like to hit when I’m watching he will step off and take practice swings until I leave (golf)
Yes. My delusions moved to the television. Bruce Willis was addressing me specially…well it was an operative who sounded like him. Very confusing at the time but those ideas of reference is something I was getting a lot of.
That is sort of funny lol, which movie was it?
It was one where he does this voiceover at the start. Not sure of the name he was like a gangster. I thought he was sending me messages. I ended up having an emergency meeting with the crisis team because I thought they were spending too much money on me. I thought all the television was being made just for me…An interesting experience for sure.
Not the same but I’ve had the experience before where I believed my thoughts were being broadcast over the tv and internet
I have a similar problem, sometimes I’ll have auditory hallucinations and they’ll line up perfectly with what someone will say, do you ever have that? I know you’re probably questioning because I find some of this funny, but sometimes it can be lol
Yeah it can be funny. You’ve just got to laugh at some of it as it was a long ways out there. Not a pleasant experience at the time though. My biggest issues were paranoia and ideas of reference with the delusional thought. I rarely hallucinate but can relate to what you go through…that magical thinking can be so seductive.
No, they just perch there talking among themselves and ignore me.
Yeah no joke, combined with the coincidences, it makes you wonder, hopefully that’s all it is, coincidences
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