Hating water

I’ve heard that your attitude toward water tells a lot about you. I can be scared of water, too. It’s how it is presented to you as a child. Everything from wet pants to bathing. If you like water, you’re better adjusted to life. I’m afraid I was taught to hate water.

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When I was a kid and a young person, I loved water. As I grew older, I hated it.

Just makes me think of this every time water or hate gets used in a sentence.

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I love water, wish I could have an expensive water filter thou because theres so much stuff I tap water

water is good for you, it gives u life, u are 75prcnt water…………………………………………or something

I like water for that reason


I love water, swimming was my sport

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When I was a toddler I fell out of my mother’s hands into the swimming pool and my first memory was of this traumatic incident. I remember having my eyes open and seeing the corner of the pool underwater and the terror I felt.

After that it took me 12 years to put my head underwater and I still to this day never open my eyes underwater. Once I wore goggles in my friend’s pool and saw underwater and it scared me so much.

I still have a fear of going totally underwater. I gradually liked swimming but always avoided deep water. To this day I don’t like deep water and going under.

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I was a swimmer all my life but would never get on the diving board, when I was first learning to swim i saw a gal do a dive and split her head open on the diving board, would not go near it

I jumped from the second highest one in our Centre Olympique in Qc. I landed on my ass and it hurt for a good time lol

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IDK. Water is one of my favorite liquids, right after orange juice.

I used to have to drink water straight from the tap and not cold. Now I can only drink flavored water with ice. I am spoiled. :flushed:

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