They put me on meds and kept me in the mental health facility for 5 months before they were satisfied with my progress. I agree with @everhopeful, 2 weeks is nothing.
This is a large topic, hard to really deal within a forum thread. Especially in this forum. Plus, I’m Supposedly Tom Cruise and all that Happy Horse Pucky.
I don’t believe you really hear nurses being insulting, especially if you haven’t done anything to provoke it. In the private room behind the nurses station they’ll talk bad about you if you’re trouble. They referred to one patient as the hemorrhoid at my last hospitalization.
I was being pushed to the ICU on a stretcher by a nurse a few years back after I overdosed and she kept saying “you did this for attention, didn’t you?” and she said it over and over until I just agreed with her to get her to shut up. I hear other comments all the time about psych patients from nurses and techs every time I’m in the ER psych area waiting to be admitted. They’re supposed to be empathetic but I think they really don’t like psych patients.