Has anyone wondered

If there’s something physically there but you can’t see it? Like a reverse hallucination.


Yes, there are innumerable things
we cannot perceive with our eyes.

Yes but I mean things other people can see. Like furniture cars etc.

Yes, maybe as different animals
see more or less than humans,
maybe some humans see differently than others.

Sort of? When I’m in bed, alone (Hubby stays up later than me), I get paranoid that “things” are watching me… And then I start to see shadow people standing around the bed, in the dark.

So, it starts as just feeling like they’re there… and then I usually start to hallucinate the figures.

I have times when I sense a presence that I can’t see. I don’t know what it is

I think what @Moon means is, for example, let’s say there is a chair in the middle of the room. Your family sees the chair, your friends see the chair, everyone sees the chair but you don’t see the chair.

That never happened to me that I am aware of, I’ve never heard of of a reverse hallucination, that’s a new concept to me…

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I don’t understand group laughter.
Every one understand the joke, but I don’t.

I’ve had text and small objects disappear briefly but nothing more than that.

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I know that sounds crazy, but I’m sometimes Wondering if there are ghosts in my bedroom but my mind/eyes just wont allow me to see them.

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