Has anyone returned to normal after taking Invega Sustenna?

I have taken 3 shots of 156mg invega sustenna. It has given me anhedonia, loss of emotions (numb to everything), insomnia, loss in cognitive functions, unable to speak/no thoughts. I don’t feel human anymore and this has completely taken over my life. All I do is research if I’ll ever get better. Looking for people that have completely recovered from taking this drug. Please help.


I take it and am happy with the addition of Abilify 10 mg daily. I feel normal emotions now. Im on 234mg Invega.

Hey @arbie I was on invega sustenna for two years and have similar side effects to yours. My last injection was about a month ago. Have you checked this thread yet? I created it and it’s about getting off invega sustenna. I encourage you to post on it. Here’s the link:

in some ways I’ve recovered. got my emotions back. lost a little of my initial weight gain. have increased energy. I have a little more sex drive, but not as I was.

in other ways im still not the same. I don’t have racing thoughts anymore which were the source of my creativity. so im not as creative. and I struggle to get stronger in the gym and my workouts are hard to complete.

im still on it. been on it 3 years.

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You’re lucky. Invega has the opposite effect on me and I’m really concerned that I won’t recover.

Not sure if this helps, but I felt very similar on risperidone. I came off the drugs completely, got my feelings back, but then went into psychosis again. Now I’m on Abilify and things are a lot better. Not perfect, but 100 times better than risperidone. Sometimes, you just need to find the right drug.

How long did it take to get your feelings back?

You recovered while still on the drug? I’ve decided to stop taking the injections in hopes of recovering from these awful side effects.

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Thanks, will follow the thread.

yeah im a little better now than before. I was majorly depressed and had anhedonia for the first 14-18 months, but then I started to adjust to the meds I guess and got better. im also on a lower dose now, so that is helping. it’s an ok med for me, but I don’t think I would recommend it either.

im curious about other meds, namely the abilify injection, as I read it’s not supposed to raise prolactin. but others have said abilify was no good. im just content to stay on this med and see how it goes. things are improving this last year and a half.

It took about a month for my feelings to come back. But like I say, I ended up in psychosis after 3 months, so it was no good. In an ideal world, our meds wouldn’t affect our feelings, but they do. Abilify is better for me (especially on a lower dose) , but I still don’t feel things completely as I do when off them. Risperidone was hell, though.

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I’m on abilify and am able to lead a completely normal sex life, so I guess my prolactin levels are normal.

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Fuuck me… this med… holy shiit.

Didnt work well with me. I was taking the 150mg xeplion which is he same as the 234 mg sustenna.

I honestly nearly died and all everyone did was blame the illness and not the meds.

Next level shiit.


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