Happy Saint Pat’s Day!!
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day @DrZen
I need to get my shamrock shake
Still looking for a 4-leaved clover Do they really exist?!
I’m wearing green.
Happy St. Patty’s Day
Happy Paddy day
We had mint smoothies. Delicious.
Love the pic @DrZen Also happy St Patty’s!!!
Happy saint @Patrick day
Thank you for your greatness. Today we celebrate you chum. 3 cheers for Patrick!
What is special about Patrick’s day
Amazing how a people from a small country affected so many other countries around the world!
Edit…and he drove out all the snakes so that is a bonus when considering things over here in Oz where bloody snakes are nasty!
Irish people… the Mexicans of Europe. Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone! Everyone is Catholic. When I find myself in times of trouble… (Mother Mary visit me… Amen.)
Here’s some beautiful Irish music.
The reason why the song Sleepyhead was a hit. [Though the band does have some catchy tunes and because the Passion Pit song is anti-suicide… Sleepy Head- Passion Pit - YouTube this song makes you want to stomp your feet.]
I mean older Irish generations might think Passion Pit basterdized the song but they’re so bad ass they probably wouldn’t care and would just me happy to hear Mary O’Hara sing again.
I’m not going to lie, I sang Danny Boy in jail a few times, it definitely does hold a special place in my heart.
If I made at least one old Irish person smile with this post, I did my job for the day. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
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