Happy Easter!

So ended up at my sisters today for a little get together with immediate and some extended family. Was a nice day. Went the day without drinking alcohol which I haven’t done for probably forever at a family affair
as I’m still behaving but had a good time.

Saw my darling little niece who is pretty shy but so cute. Warmed up after a while but had a nice lunch with some good peeps. What are you’ll up too on Easter this year? Anyone doing family/friends? I had a good one as always.


Happy Easter mate!!

I’m not up to much this Easter. Probably just going to watch movies and relax like I do every weekend.

I’m debating on buying Cannibal Holocaust on DVD.

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I had the usual Easter festivities! Family dinner, etc.

Happy Easter!


Happy Easter! :hatching_chick: I might go to the store but other than that I’m staying home this year

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going to mom’s for Easter steak dinner…yayyyy…

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Spread the peace and good will…

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@rogueone Nice one. I’ll be spending the the day with those closest to me.


A strangely good movie, with a significant and often overlooked antiimperialist subtext.


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