Happy 30th Birthday Linux

It was 30 years ago today that Linus Torvalds announced his kernel to the world.

I don’t use Arch but the following meme reminds me of my time with Gentoo. I decided to try it a few months after it was announced. I spent weeks setting it up, configuring the compiler settings, compiling everything (which took forever, I was using an AMD Duron processor), configuring all the various programs after they were compiled, setting up the kernel to work with my hardware, configuring the bootloader, everything was essentially from scratch. I learned a lot about Linux using Gentoo and I kept using it for several years because of all the hard work I put into it.




Yay Linux. 1515


Irony: Everyone thought Linux had spread beyond MINIX except that we discovered Intel runs MINIX internally in their CPUs. Turns out it’s spread wider than Linux has so far.

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I use Ubuntu since 2007


Great to hear. I’m going with Windows nowadays. Had Linux installed on couple of my computers. I just have no motivation to do something with Linux. And it’s not just Linux, where I don’t find any motivation.
So I stick to Windows.

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I went to the Linux world tradeshow in San Jose, CA in August 2000, 21 years ago. I met there briefly Linus Torvalds. When I said I came from Miami, he replied that I have made a long journey. Well, he did not know how long, because I lived in my auto and I had driven over 3.5 days from Miami to SF and San Jose, CA.


That’s gotta be Gentoo

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Happy bday indeed. Someone who is diagnosed I feel very calm using Linux :slight_smile:

Using windows disturbs me in so many ways…


I use whatever OS fits the bill at the moment. I prefer Linux Mint as a distro.


elementary OS is a good distro

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He’s from your country, Finland. Maybe he speaks finnish.

Its better to say in my car, auto means car in French.

@Aziz Yes, Linus Torvalds is a Finn and speaks Finnish perfectly. Well, I just use the word ‘auto’ (automobile) and it also means ‘car’ in Finnish.

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Oh didn’t know its the same in French and Finnish. Cool.

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