Haldol,lithium and ativan

I’ve noticed my mood has leveled off and my anxiety has gone down. Last night I had a panic attack because I forgot to lock the door of the apartment and thought that maybe I would be killed in my sleep. I checked the house and apartment before forcing myself to take an ativan and go to sleep. I also have heard voices less but alas still hear them every now and then.


Real hardcore med combo I’m on that invega. I guess we’re all drug users here taking pills that alter our state of mind.

I hope you get stable enough that you lose your paranoia. That’s no way to live. I have some paranoia myself, and I don’t like it.

I’m on 1200 mg of Lithium for my SZA. It helps a lot, but I think it could do more. I have a 10 mg Haldol PRN I can take up to twice a day. One of the most helpful PRNs I’ve ever had. Thinking of asking my pdoc to make it a mainstay of my regimen.

I’m also on latuda which to me doesn’t seem to help much. I’ve been on latuda since 2012 it use to help a lot more than it does now. But the latuda helps more than the invega that I use to be on.

I’m glad to hear you’re doing better with the ativan helping. good for you!

Thanks jukebox. The ativan gets me calm enough so I can think straight.

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