so i dropped it down to 50mgs a month today. my injection was late and i feel better already. yesterday i managed to do a few things around the house and i cooked dinner for my babies. starting to wake up at 4am again but i can live with that. i don’t like sleeping all night anyway. so i’m gonna leave it at 50mgs for a couple of months and see how i go. so long as i can get things done and not b a zombie that’s fine i think. i’ll just have to put up with the voices for a while i guess. i see my pdoc in october and i’ll see if i can get abilify and gabapentin.
It’s nice to get out of the zombie zone. But be careful if voices are getting worse. You have to sleep or you will get ill again. What happens if you try to continue sleep after 4am? Can you fall asleep again?
Whenever I go through med changes I go through a period when I wake up at 3am and that’s it, I’m up for the day. I take sleeping pills during that time to help me out…sometimes they help, sometimes they don’t. It must feel nice to not be in zombie mode. I hope you can keep this dosage while putting off the symptoms you are having. Your health (mental and physical) is most important though, so if the voices do start to come back remember to be honest with your healthcare providers and see if they can help without shoving you back into old med habits.
good for you Jayne, I am happy for you. I have lowered my Risperdal dose recently, and am going to try to go lower - for health reasons - keeping my fingers crossed for you
well the voices r there no matter what dose i’m on of any a.p. so i’m not worried about that too much. it’s just so nice that i’ll soon feel like a normal person again when i wake at 4am, i generally go back to sleep for a couple of hours after i’ve taken max to school so i do get the sleep i need, it’s just in fits and spurts is all. i’ll b keeping a very close eye on myself over the next two months, as will my mum but she’s not too worried. she knew how it was affecting me as she had to come over and do the housework more often. i haven’t done a whole lot today but i feel more like my old self anyway. so long as i clean up a bit today, have a shower and mow the lawn and cook dinner, i’ll b happy with that. xxx