Had my 3D mammogram

Looked like 2 spots of cancer. I feel like I’m going to die. I think it’s too late, but you never know. I think it already metastasized all over the place.

What do the doctors say?

I was just with the tech. She couldn’t say anything. I don’t know when I’ll get the results. I have an appointment Tuesday.

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Ok, try your best not to worry until then.

Fingers crossed it’s ok.

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I’m praying you make a speedy recovery :pray: :heart:


I didn’t have one in 6 years. I really didn’t think it was breast cancer until too late.

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It might not be. Try to stay calm if you can. Even if it is, chances are that it can be treated.

You’ll know more on Tuesday.

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Try to calm down about it @devra
There’s a chance that it’s not cancer and even if it is they can treat it

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Did the tech say it looked like cancer or are you saying because you saw spots on the images?

I’m asking because I have extremely dense breast tissue. It looks like lots of masses but it’s not that. It’s just very dense tissue

She was unable to say. Said it could be cysts. But I’ve had terrible breast pain at times, like I’m going to die. I don’t think they’re cysts. I’ve had to go back for repeat mammograms. This is a 3D, so supposedly a lot better. I think whatever it was, will be easier to identify. They looked like opaque circles. The largest slightly smaller than a dime.

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I have to get 3D images everytime I get a mammogram. I have spots that are large that are like what you describe.

I’m not trying to invalidate you, but rather to help you stay calm for now because it’s not necessarily cancer. It could be something very benign

Each year I’m supposed to get a 3D mammogram and then 6 months later a breast MRI.

I’m ok, it’s just really hard to see because the tissue is so dense.

Just try hard to relax or at least keep yourself very busy until you get your results. Don’t let yourself think about it.

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Ok. This is the first 3D mammogram I had. I haven’t had one in 6 years. I was just convinced mostly, because of how I feel.

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My breasts often get sharp shooting pain, but they’re ok. Hopefully that’s the case with you too

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