Had evaluation

I had my SSI evaluation. He didn’t give any information but said the social security office will have the paper work in two days. I’m nervous. I think I did well with the exam that’s the problem maybe I did a little too well.


Good luck @cbbrown! :slight_smile:

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I hope all goes well!! Maybe with the payments you can finally get away from your awful in laws.

If you don’t get it first time also don’t despair because apparently it is common for people to get turned down the first time but then they do get it eventually after applying again.

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I hope it works out for you! Good luck!

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Actually it was a review I get reviewed every 3 years or so. The SSI evaluation pdoc said just about everyone is going to be reviewed eventually. I’m still nervous though.

Ahh ok. I’m sure all will be fine! :relaxed:

I did terrible though on the remembering sequences of numbers both forwards and backwards. Then he said he’s not surprised I’m not social given my diagnosis. Which was a little weird.

Well people w sz are known for having social troubles which is why a lot of new therapies are trying to target that. Maybe he was trying to sound non-judgemental.

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My therapist wants me to go to group at the clinic. She also wants me to pay off my library fine so I can get books.

Hehe I was always guilty of library fines. So was my mom and then she’d send me to the library to get books for my sisters so I’d have to pay the fine! :joy:

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