Ha! Guy in pub who mocked me for my weight just got done for drink driving! Karma is a b*tch

Many of you know my issues with the local pub. Anyway one of the locals who thinks he can say whatever he wants has been caught drink driving. He had it coming.

What’s more the police where back at the pub again tonight - prob to try and catch home driving without a licence.

Don’t know who shopped him in. But like I say you can’t run from karma.


I’ve noticed that some of the people who’ve messed with me have had rotten luck in some way. Some of the bad luck they’ve had I wouldn’t wish on anyone.


Yeah like someone who messed with me during an LSD trip died :frowning:
The other 2 got arrested multiple times and are heroin addicts.

When he died, it helped me get over the trauma, but wouldn’t wish that on anybody anymore.


Dui seems like a nice kick in the butt though


I know a lot of people who must be laughing their butts off that I got diagnosed schizophrenic. So maybe karma is real. I don’t actually believe in it though.

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i’m a firm believer in karma but a lot of people get away things with little repercussions.

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Ha ha sucked in to that guy!

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Serves him right

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