Guns and the mentally ill

I remember my father helping me fire gun long ago when I was a small kid. Didn’t fire a gun again for a long time afterwards.

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That’s the thing, most people in this forum probably dunno too much about firearms. It’s really controversial to think that the laws keep sort of being bent from American traditions and concepts.

I’m not, however, saying that schizos should be able to purchase a firearm though and own their own.

I think that there IS a difference between being mentally ill, and criminally insane.

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Yes…once guns are prohibited from being in the hands of the mentally ill in the United States of America, not even one person will ever be killed by a gun ever ever ever again, since all those who have guns in their possession will be mentally fit.

After all, no mentally fit person would kill another human being.

Right ?

Well, as much as I’d like to own a gun for hunting, I have to admit that my failing a background check due to involuntary commitment did avert a very dangerous situation. I’m glad I failed that check.

I used to be mentally ill.


Are you really serious?

They’re putting our children into a (war on terror), and pointing hollow points at the citizens of America in the name of (safety and homeland security).

We’re seeing a huge shift in power to who can exercise lethal force and who can’t. And you’re saying a cop who has used lethal force is mentally ill? Or a veteran or someone active in the military?

It’s an ongoing fact that guns were intended to be an American right, but that just shows how much America needs to change I guess.

I am SUCH a city kid. My parents didn’t have guns in the house.

My family isn’t Anit-guns or in favor of more restrictions…

It’s just a thing that we never had around.

My Dad and my Uncles were just never big on hunting.

But get my family near a bait and tackle shop… or even a patch of ground that might be used as a free launch… you’ll see a bunch of giddy men breaking out the boat calendar


I think reincarnation is a good idea.

Imagine that you could come back and live in this world again. Better yet, what if you could make your comeback during the time when you are already here for the first time. Lets say you killed someone with a gun, it would balance things out if that person you killed was the other you.

Or perhaps if you kill animals for sport, well lets say next time you come back as a deer, thus when you shoot the deer, you in truth shot yourself. Yep…a great balance system indeed.


I agree that the ages of hunting on the frontier have long been gone lol.

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guns should be banned tbh except for sport but in general guns should be banned, get them off of the streets and out of the shops, i would start be shutting down all the gun shops and only making guns available to people in special circumstances or for work, in America i could see why you would need guns when you had the indians attacking for protection but now i don’t see the point, stop selling them, get them off of the streets and make the whole world a safer place lol

anyway, thats how i see it but i live in the uk and it works here, less guns, less violence and a lot less people getting shot.


Some American folk say that they should be allowed to have a gun to protect themselves.
If so, then all Americans should also be allowed to have their own personal nuclear bombs to protect themselves from other countries.

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We have enough nukes to do that probably…intobc no joke.

I think that things will change for the better sooner than later with these types of problems. Things will even out so well I think all of our belief groups will be satisfied by our leaders decisions.

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Don’t need a gun to be a violent one as you can see…


Draft dodgers should NOT be allowed to vote or serve office.


When you say “this country” you are talking about 300 million people. They are not going to be of one mind when if comes to universal access to guns. I think we should enact common sense gun laws, which would probably exclude people like me from getting a gun. I also foresee situations where I think I would need a gun for self protection. I have been thrown in jail twice for “carrying a concealed dangerous weapon” - a knife with over a three inch blade. Both times they kept me in jail for two months with no trial, even though the maximum sentence for that crime is one month. I never threatened anyone in any way with my knife. I guess I could carry pepper spray and maybe a ball piene hammer. That’s what some bikers do because hammers are perfectly legal.

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Brother sorry…maybe (spyderco) knives would have a 2.5 short cutter that did us all well.

But listen you proved the point too…

we could get pall peen and concrete hammers, pepper spray (or make your own irritants which could be more detrimental).


We know that we’ve experienced bad pains from our illness so why inflict more?