Today is Prime Deal Day. They have some great sales. One that caught my eye is the newest version of the instant pot for $69?, $79?
original price $99. They have Echo Dots for 50% off and sales on hundreds of other things. Sale ends tomorrow.
I upgraded my Ring doorbell and got a Blink camera for the backyard.
Well…i got my chair but it really wasnt on sale. It did have a 5% off coupon though…
i could use a new mouse…maybe i will grab one quick
I bought a new recliner for the basement last week, but I see the price has not changed today:
The old one collapsed with my poor kid in it. She came upstairs with nacho cheese in her hair.
That looks like a throne.
Is prime day the same dates every year?
I don’t know.
Not during a pandemic. We didn’t have a Prime Day one year so I sent Amazon a blistering letter of complaint. Got a $200 Amazon credit.
I’m happy that i quitted my amazon account.
Since 3 or 4 years now.
Missing nothing.
Here the sale is on 15 and 16th i have no list to buy on those days planning to buy a phone but i dont relly on amazon.
Even i dont get a discount from store i would buy from store.
I heard my phone repair guy mentioning there are things coming in amazon which are defective and when we go to the showroom they give a brand new one replacing the defective ones and again placing those defective product in sale woth lesser price.
Obviously why in the world they will give a discount for brand new products ? Unless amazon is filling it in with their own money
Jeff Bezos is a multibillionaire, he’s the third richest person in the world, he can afford to have a great sale a couple of days a year. It’s good publicity for Amazon and draws in new customers and pleases old customers too in the process.
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