Got worlds warmest jacket for Xmas

All I wanted really. I wouldn’t have asked for anything but my parents like to buy presents and this really comes in handy it’s saving my life lately. I don’t have seasonal depression as bad this year. I am on lamictal 12.5 mg per day. I was on 25 but it was causing irritability and anxiety. I know it’s a small dose but it makes a big difference for me. And I love to walk but I hate the cold so this helps. Best , most important gift I’ve ever gotten for Xmas. Surpassing my remote control car I got at ten years old.


And bonus. They got me the matching pants to go with it.


Here in Canada they say Canada Goose jackets are the warmest but I prefer Rudsak designs. I have a Rudsak jacket and it gets into the -20 to -30C here.


This is an oros. It’s a new line. The technology was Developed by nasa supposedly. It holds up to -200F liquid nitrogen. Was designed for astronauts. I must say it wasn’t as warm as I thought but now I’m noticing the difference when I wear something different

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If you were to move to Belgium, you would go outside in a T-shirt in winter. You’re used to much colder temperatures.

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It’s -30C and the wind chill takes it to -45C at the moment. Two words: Polar vortex.

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Here it was 8°C today. Typical winter weather.

Don’t take this the wrong way, but I hate you right now.


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