Got my Series X Pre-Ordered - Best Buy Online 5 minutes ago

Sold out this morning but best buy just came back online with more.


Nice. I’m still torn between which console to get. If I didnt have a laptop that can play games it’d be xbox hands down due to Bethesda purchase. Since I can get game pass on PC, I may be going for digital ps5. I hear you cak get money off if you turn in current gen consoles at gamestop. They are offering 100 bucks off with standard xbox one trade in, and I think like 200 with Xbox one x.

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Nice. I pre ordered the ps5 the other day. I can’t wait to get it.


Did you have trouble? It was chaos for me because the sites sold out within a couple minutes of putting them up. Mine sold out while I was putting in the address.

I hung out on the Gamefaqs Series X message board and some guy posted that best buy was back up with more pre orders and I got one, but not before I had paid a scalper 750 for his.

Now I have 2, one that will arrive a couple days late. Hoping the price stays high so I can sell it to someone when I get it for like 800 at least.


No I didn’t have trouble getting one because I actually went down to the local game store. There was a line outside but went first thing in the morning before it opened.

My sister on the other hand had a hard time getting hers cause she was working that day and had to order it online.


What games are you hyped for OP?


Like, none in specific. Will get the next-gen version of Call of Duty and just play that for awhile. Halo Infinite might be cool. Only really hyped for Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6 and those are a ways off. Bethesda and some other companies also with Zenimax were recently purchased by Microsoft, so they might be exclusives.

I’m hoping it loads xbox one games faster. Less load times on fallout 4 would rock.

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Halo is the bomb. My old roommates and I would come home after a night of drinking and play drunken Halo. Not necessarily something to be proud of but we had a good time.



I’m waiting till the black friday sales

I think a lot of people are going to be super upset. Xbox one x sales up 747%. I wonder how many people accidently bought that instead of pre-ordered series x?


LoL yeah I read about that. It must be because the names are similar.

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