Got Injection Today and had a Frank Talk with My Nurse About Covid 19

I told her I didn’t believe that this beast would be settled in a few weeks. I told her i thought we’d all be isolating until next Spring…a year I figured.

My Nurse’s response?

“Try a year and a half, Patrick.”

She’s been a Nurse for 30 years and doesn’t pull punches with me. She said doctors are shielding the public about just how brutal this will become to avoid widespread panic among the masses.

Heard it here first, folks. We may be in lockdown mode for many, many months to come.


Well I hope she is wrong. :shark::shark::shark:

And @zwolfgang

My Nurse asked me what I was doing with my down time. I played your orchestral version of my ballad ‘Falling to Pieces’ on her IPhone.

She started crying and told me it was simply breathtakingly beautiful!

A feather in your cap, my man…for your awesome music production skills! :sunny:


We’ll be in lockdown mode until an effective vaccine comes out and is distributed.


Interestingly enough, I said the same thing to my brother on the phone.

He told me ‘no’…that the best medicinal minds in the world were feverishly (excuse the pun) working on at least a ‘treatment medication’ so that this virus could become ‘manageable’ and would allow people to recover at home instead of clogging up the healthcare system at Hospitals.

He likened it to the Aids medicine. You still have the HIV Infection, but the meds prevent it from becoming full blown.

If what he said rings true, there is a bit of hope out there! :sunny:


I didn’t mean to startle any of you with this thread.

It was a private conversation with me and my Nurse. Perhaps I should have kept it that way instead of recounting our dialogue?


I wouldn’t be surprised if the lockdown lasts a while. We are flattening the curve, though. Only a handful of new cases in my city. Every day before this one we were doubling cases

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So, I’ve run the numbers and it’s going to take a LONG time.

My guess is people get tired of lockdown and start living their lives before they should.

I live with an 80 year old type 1 diabetic so I’m kind of on lockdown until a vaccine comes out.

Also, they say 12-18 months for a vaccine. But we are already about 3 months deep into that. Scientists started on that a few weeks after the virus surfaced.

So it could be as soon as 9 months.


Wow thats wild Pat! Im still in shock that it was such a hit haha

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