Good news, the Dr has agreed i go back on Abilify

Thankfully he has agreed to switch me back to Abilify depot that i was on a few years ago. Im so relieved because i was doing much better when i was on that one. The reason i came off it before was trivial so shouldn’t have any problems with it this time either


Fingers crossed it works out for you :crossed_fingers:

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Thanks i need this to work im hoping like anything it does

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Good luck! I’m also on Abilify and I’m doing great.

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If you had success with it in the past, then that’s great. Keep your spirits up, have hope, and keep us updated.

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Thanks @Katherine85 @anon55031185

The old meds are wearing off now and i feel good today. Ive been shopping and cleaned kitchen, bathroom. The weather is good i can’t complain
Im feeling hopeful and optimistic which is a nice change. My parents are visiting in a couple of days so im happy :blush:

I feel like the old meds were bad for me flattening my emotions even more and making my anxiety and paranoia worse. I am looking forward to a different better me on Abilify, i want to change so badly. I want to be able to sleep better, lose weight, have more emotion, be able to go further than ten minutes away and meet people without panic and paranoia.
I wasnt perfect last time i was on Abilify but i was much better than i am now, heres hoping

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What was the old med?


Sorry @Zoe it was clopixol but its taken a few years for me to realise its not the best one for me

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Hey if you don’t feel comfortable, you don’t need to share. It’s not rude. This is a safe zone, so if you want privacy it’s your right to ask for it. @anon29983254


Im ok i get nervous sometimes about sharing

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It’s OK you don’t need to share if you don’t feel comfortable to in the future.

I’m. The same about some stuff too.

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Yea i know you won’t even say what continent you live on lol

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Hahaha. That’s a good point :smirk:

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That’s very individual how meds work on people.
My father got alzheimet at 66 and he develloped Diabetics when he was in his start 70. because he was taking qutiapine. from 72-76 he was on abilify, but he was at that time living in a nursing home. the last 2 years he didn’t want to take the abilify so they crosed it into he’s food and feed him. when he was 76 he develloped TD in his throat so he couldn’t swallow any more.
restnin peace dad.
I’ve been on Clopixol for 26 years with no TD or any of the side effects you mentioned with Qutiapinebfor 12 years with out getting diabetes.

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I know the way I told the story maybe may.have caused offence because you need some extra informations. My father was an alcoholic just like me and I was told that his alzheimer was caused by his unhealthy relationship with alcohol
And in the 1950 ths he had a tumor removed in his head with the radioactive radion. I was told that this also could have contributed to his Alzheimer.
So what do I want to say with this ?
My fathers life style was so unhealthy that TD and diabetic was unavoidable.
wish me.luck to my sober lifestyle that has lasted over 19 years

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