Today I’m going to my regular doctor to discuss my elevated A1C blood test and what to do about it. Then I’m going to mental health to an art class. I think today I’ll make a pencil holder out of toilet paper rolls. It looks like a cool project and comes out so cute. After that a quick stop at the drug store then home to wait to pick my sister up from work. It should be pretty mellow. What are you doing today?
I might play the drums today.
Had a late one , binge watching on boxsets. Ive cancelled my depot till tuesday, i simply cannot be bothered to go out in this wheather. Im well stocked on pills anyway if i wobble.
Quite enjoying my me-time actually, im stress free on my own.
What’s the weather situation?
Oh its just horrible drizzle blowing off the sea, quite windy. Not going out in that. Cmht didnt mind - ive had my jab 4 days late before.
Too comfortable in my flat.
Oh I certainly don’t blame you. Stay warm my friend.
Going to get my check today and maybe some groceries.
Yeah! Payday is here
Just called her, am I making a mess, I should probably keep out of it.
She didn’t reply
This morning Yosemite my very old Great Dane has a chiropractor appointment. This evening Hope my service dog in training and I have a 4H dog club meeting to go too. I got talk into volunteering. Because of what I was told was my naturally dog training ability.
How old is Yosemite?
@Jimbob Yosemite is 11 years 9 months. The average life span for a Great Dane is 8.4 years
That is a good age for a Great Dane. You obviously looked after him well
today is dad’s bday. we are going to a german restaurant, I’ve never been there before but im hoping they have sour kraut balls or something. I will def. try something I’ve never had before. my aunt and uncle invited themselves to go so there will be 5 of us. I wish it was just mom and dad and I. now im going to have to talk to my uncle about jobs. I told him I was going to start looking for work after I got back from florida, but now im going to wait til I talk to my pdoc, about how going back to work will affect my Medicaid. so not looking forward to that. sorry for the long post.
I have to get / force myself or get motivated to pick up my meds from the pharmacy. I’m out so I have to get there soon. I am just going to go in what I slept in.
After that I will rest for a few hours until I feel less stuck.
Then I will eat something and drink water. Then tidy a little for 5-15 mins.
Then my goals of treadmill 5 mins, hot tub, and 30 second shower. And my reward.
Fortunately I can have a very very slow pace today. My brain needs it. I haven’t had enough solitude and nothingness lately and have had to force way to much activity. It’s made me feeling unstable.
Morning leaf! Today my fiancée is home.
Chores are done other than I want to wash the bedding, schizophrenia smell.
Should be a lazy day for me.
Enjoy your art class!
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