Good morning. It’s 7:30 here. I’ve been up 2 hours now but still don’t feel awake. How are you doing?
It’s 17:35 here. I had my haldol shot today.
How are you?
Oh. it’s supper time there! Haldol is a good med. I did well on it, but they don’t like me to take it. I don’t know why, they don’t really come out and say it.
I’m good. I went to the Wellness Center and walked on the treadmill then walked home and had some coffee.
I’m doing laundry. Been up since 7am.its not so hot right now.
@anon21849028 sounds like you got a lot of exercise already!
@roxanna trying to get chores done early before the heat sets in is so smart.
Its 11am, wokeup 3hrs ago. Had a protein bar for breakfast. Just had an energy drink as I was feeling sleepy.
Oh yeah. It’s supposed to get up to a 104f today.
Walked to mental health center and back to see my nurse who says she “feels “ for me . Nothing much they can do for me. At least I got a walk
My right hand fingers are all blue from the energy drink powder. I washed them with soap but it wont go away.
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