Yes, I’m 54 today. gonna drink too much beer and eat too much food over at my sisters house. probably grill some hamburgers.
Happy birthday! Wishing you a very special day!
Happy Birthday @jukebox!
Enjoy ur 54th bday juke…
Haaaaaaaaaappyyyyyyyy birthdaaaaayyyyyyyyyy juuuuuuuuuuukeboooooooooooxxxx
Very Happy Birthday, @jukebox!!! I hope you have a wonderful celebration!
Happy Birthday Jukebox.
Happy Birthday @jukebox!
well, the party was a lot of fun and I drank too many margaritas. It was a temporary buzz though after I ate I came back down. It was really nice to have “happy birthday” get sang to me and we had cake.
Happy 54th Birthday to you, jukebox! Wish you a lucky, fulfilling new year !
Oh HapPy HaPpy Beer-Day to you @jukebox.
A Big SquEEzy Beer (((Hug)))) for the BirThDay Boy!
Happy Belated Birthday Jukebox!
Hey Jukebox sorry I missed the party. Glad you had a good time.
Happy birthday man!
Happy birthday man!
Happy birthday!!
Happy birthday, a little late, but I hope it was an excellent weekend.
All that you dream and wish for are made real each birthday.
Life is yours.
don’t drink and drive, eat cake and be fly