So I decided to get my family to throw me a birthday party

I just noticed that April 16th falls on a Saturday. I am going to ask my mom if she will throw me a party. I will be 54.


Happy Birthday

15 characters, 54 candles

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Wish you have a party, that sounds fun :slight_smile:

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If she can’t do it,
we will throw you a “Virtual” surprise party from here.
Maybe we should do it anyway, that would be fun- how about it?

Happy Birthday @jukebox
54 is a great age to celebrate!
I’m bringing the chips, dips, and 7 layered bean dip. Mmmmmmmm

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thanks everybody. I hope to at least get to drink a few beers! @Csummers that would be great, and I bet your layer dip is really good !

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Sounds like a good idea.

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