I have only been riding the bus about once a week, and have been paying $1.35 fare per trip. It’s a hassle going to the bank, getting dollar bills, quarters, and dimes to pay the fare with. I can get a honored citizen monthly pass for $18.00. It’s for the elderly and disabled. You show your Medicare Card to get it. Even though it’s costing me more than the cash, it’s saving me the hassle of going to the bank.
18 a month is sick. In my city, the bus is free if you are disabled, and like 8 a month if you aren’t.
Yeah, my monthly bus pass used to cost $5.00. But if I was in your position I’d probably do the same thing.
For us it’s $1. But it’s door to door service. It’s more like a taxi/shuttle/bus thingy. You just call them and they come get you and take you where you want to go for $1. I think that’s a good deal.
Sounds like a good deal to me. Here you have to walk to/from a bus stop.
Yeah, it’s a pretty good set up, but our whole town is like a mile basically, so they don’t have to far to go really. They go to some outlying areas too, but mostly in town.
I just wish things would get back to normal. Right now you are only supposed to ride the bus to go to work, get groceries, go to a health appointment or pharmacy. It’s limited to ten passengers a time on the bus.
I know, our bus just started again, it was only delivering meds and groceries up until a week ago.
I’m from England and have a disabled bus pass from the County Council. Free travel all over England, sadly not in Scotland or Wales. Just scan it on the bus, any bus and off you go. Bus services are very good in the U.K.
I also have a disabled Rail Card. £20 a year and you get a third off Rail travel for you and your companion. That can save quite alot on rail fares especially from Edinburgh to London.
I have to pay a bus fee too even though I’m disabled. Luckily I have a car that my husband and I share
We have buses but they don’t come anywhere near my house. No idea what it costs.
Our buses are $1 or .50 for disabled.
My psychiatric care provider is going to furnish me with a free bus pass, now that I no longer have a car. Just found out today.
Our “buses” are $2. $1 for the disabled. There are stops most people have to get to. I’m qualified as permanently severely disabled, and they come pick me up at home and take me where I need to go. I call them when I’m done.
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