Tell them you got tested and are positive for influenza B and will need four or five days to not be contagious anymore. If they want proof, get proof from you pdoc that things went south. You were trying to save face and not embarrass yourself with the truth that your mental health was unwell.
I double dog dare they fire you for your disability. It’s called the Americans with Disabilities Act. And HIPPA Federal law. (I guess I’m assuming you are an American Citizen).
You need your time to heal and recover. These symptoms are no joke and I dont know how you folks can work on top of these symptoms…
Oh no! That’s sad news. I remember the last day I worked. Something in me just broke and I knew it was my last shift. It’s taken me a long time to recover. I’m trying to go back to work now, I hope I’m ready. Can you get by just on your disability pay somehow?
Sorry you have been through that. I wish you luck with finding a new job.
I cannot go on disability. I doubled down on working without realising how boxed in it would make me. I would have to commit financial suicide to get disability to help me
I think you have an important point. If you search on youtube for “Schizophrenia and smoking” the first video that comes up, takes a position that the biggest cause of (smoking) is boredom. That felt new to me. But I don’t recall where you’re at, on that topic. Nonetheless Idle hands are the devil’s play thing.
My writing improved with schizophrenia… but I can’t suggest that as a substitute for smoking. I forget if David Duchovny smoked in the show Californication (but he probably did).
And in the lesser known work “1408” starring John Cusack he wore a cigarrette(why can’t I spell this word) around his neck, in case of the end of the world.
I look to fiction here because I think it’s actually more universal somehow