I think that I may have Celiac disease.
I suffer with intense stomach issues (diarrhea)
It’s actually an everyday occurrence.
My brother has the same issues and he told me that Celiac is in our Gene pool.
He has started a Gluten free diet already - he thinks that we both suffer with it.
Gluten free diets can help with Schizophrenia.
I’m going to go on a gluten free diet and see if I start feeling better.
Wish me luck! Hopefully my SZ symptoms improve too.
Good luck. Let us know if it makes a difference to your schizophrenia symptoms.
You can get a blood test for it. Traditionally they would also take a tissue sample from your bowels to verify.
But many doctors don’t do that.
The diet seems really hard at first but it gets better.
I don’t know your financial situation but the gluten free specialty foods can be very expensive.
I mostly buy foods that don’t have gluten because there’s no reason for them to, mainly.
I get the Schar bread to make Chicken sandwiches.
It can be a little nerve wracking to live with others who aren’t gluten free because they don’t think about cross-contamination. Their experience is completely different.
Oh…for the blood test they do ask you to eat gluten for a certain amount of time first.
Do you have Celiac disease?
Or are you on it to help your SZ symptoms?
I tested positive for the blood test. My symptoms were similar to yours except I also had this weird tiredness but also feeling nervous and wired.
If it helped my Sza it wasn’t for many years. There are a lot of possible factors to my positives getting better.
If you do have it, you do start feeling way better physically.
After some time on the diet, I mean.
i don’t mean to, be a downer but I was listening to the radio just two days ago and these people were saying there is no 100% proof that going on a gluten free diet really helps anyone. I think people have been arguing both sides of this for awhile.
If you mean for people that don’t have an identifiable medical issue, maybe not.
But Celiac disease has been a known thing for a long time.
Before the 70’s IIRC they knew a restricted diet helped, they just didn’t know wheat and related grains were specifically the problem.
When I was sick about in 2006, the doctors thought I may have celiac disease and I had to eat gluten free for 6 months. It is really not easy to do. I wish you the best of luck and hope you will be able to solve you issues.
In my case, it turned out I was not having celiac disease and it was somatic symptoms. Have you think it could also be your case?
My brother and I have had stomach issues since we were kids.
I’m going to try the diet for a couple of months to see if I notice an improvement in my symptoms.
But the thing is I love pasta too much!
Honestly don’t know if I can do it.
If you live in the US the Walmart store brand gf penne pasta is cheap and has decent taste IMO.
Do they sell Gluten free pasta? @IndustrialLad
Yeah sorry that’s what I meant. In the Wal-mart I go to they have a gluten free section. In mine it’s in the baking aisle. I can’t guarantee they have it where you live, but the city mine is in is not economically a big deal. If you go, I would suggest asking a worker about it.
Sounds good thanks @IndustrialLad
Your welcome, Wave
I’m on gluten free diet since 6 months ago. It made a little of improvements. However when I break it down by eating a slice of Pizza or a bread I don’t feel OK at all the next day. Sluggish thinking and can’t focus!
Hey @Wave good luck on going gluten free.
I once heard of a man who fought his sz with his diet, and yoga.
Though I’m sure that doesn’t work for everyone.
Anyways – blessings and good luck!
If you have Celiac you damage your body a little when you eat gluten. There is some pretty tasty frozen gluten free pizza available. But they often have chewy crusts.
I know that there is a test I can take but there is also a big possibility that I have IBS.
The Gluten free diet might be too difficult to maintain.
Yeah the blood test is fairly accurate. I hope it all works out for you, Wave. It would be a lot to give up if you might have something else.
Is it that you don’t have insurance to pay for the test?
If you did have it, my experience, unfortunately, is that you get sicker and sicker the longer you eat gluten.