Going for my next surgery in the morning

They have a donor, not sure on details but someone died in NJ and they are sending the new vertebra to Mass General. I will be bringing my laptop, so I will likely be on to give an update. Hopefully all goes well.

If the transplant works I will be back to work by august and exercising again by November.

I am getting two disks, since one of my three damaged ones is still viable and healing well.

Complications of surgery include paralysis, but lets not be pessimistic!


Warm wishes for a quick recovery :purple_heart:

Good luck. I hope it all goes well for you.

gotta wait for the special ambulance to arrive, I need to be secured a certain way to avoid compressing the disks in my back, which would complicate the surgery.

they told me it could take months before I got a donor, because it had to be someone of similar age, height, and weight, plus theyd have to have the same chromosomal anomaly I have on the 3 rd chromosome, not sure what it is but its rare, lucky for me not so much for the other person…


I hope everything goes well with your surgery. Take care.

Good luck Dremulf !

Hope you are in a skilled hand. Good luck!

Best of luck. Wow, I didn’t realize they did these sorts of transplants. Amazing stuff! Makes me feel good about my donor card.

Best wishes, now and for the future.

on my belly now. doc says surgery went great. still kinda tired tho, they used a newer type of gas to put me under. no allergic reaction. feel really weird tho.

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