the girls love it when i take them to sales. i pick up some stuff to cook with and music stuff. how about you?
I just go to for my stuff. Don’t have the mental fortitude to go places.
Cool that you do though.
I haven’t found any good ones this year but I stop occasionally. I almost never have cash on me though. I looked at a guitar but for what they were asking I could have gotten a new one so I didn’t get it.
Yeah, a couple. I found a box of prolixen for two bucks at one. They originally wanted five for it but it was getting dark and they were lowering the prices on everything. It came in a gold jewelry box that was in perfect condition except for a little chip in the corner.
eBay is the digital garage sale. Years ago I got a sector nine longboard at a garage sale.
I hit a couple neighborhood yard sales today. Most of it was a bust, but I found a wireless thermometer for my smoker/grill for $4 and a handful of cheap records and cds so not too bad.
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