I threw an ashtray at a mirror and chucked everything off the table
This was a few days ago when i had a meltdown because i was very stressed
Anyway today i feel something in bottom of my foot, it might be glass but hubby cleaned up well. I dont know what to do
Can you soak your foot in warm water with epsom salt? If a sliver of glass or a splinter is in the sole of your foot, soaking it might soften the skin enough for it to come out. Or at least you might be able to see what it is and use tweezers to get it out.
Okay I’ll try that, thanking you!!
I hope your tootsies are okay.
Yes the mirror survived too lol
Right on!
I’ve been meaning to buy a body mirror so I can check out my outfits before I go out. Maybe Walmart or the thrift shop would have a cheap one.
Yes it was a full length mirror cost £30 a few years ago, no idea how much now?
Aww love it
What a cute floof.
Jimmy likes to paw at my face when he lays on my chest. I think it’s his way of petting me.
Feeling like a bit of an air head tonite
La la la
Just ignore me im feelin weird
Ah the days of pulling glass out of my feet. Damn shoes.
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