Getting my dog to lose weight is almost as hard as losing weight myself

I know that I need to trim my dog up. Some of the issues lie in her expectations of treats. I have got her in the habit of expecting a treat when I call her in the house and she comes in, for example. It is a reward for her listening to my commands and I feel weird not giving her one when she listens. She is also accustomed to getting a small portion of food from each of us after supper as a treat. I feel kind of guilty when she is sitting on her rug like a good dog patiently awaiting her after supper treats and not giving her one.

These are things that make it difficult for us to cut her calorie intake. Plus, we all have to be on the same page when it comes to not giving her treats. We are going to have to clamp down on giving her these treats if we are going to trim her up though. As it stands, she eats very little of her actual dog food on the average day, so I know it is all in the amount of treats she gets.

I have started giving her smaller portions of treats so hopefully this helps.


Give her healthier treats instead?

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Thanks, yeah. I’ve been doing some searching on the web and think that I have found some treats that may be a better alternative. They are only 3 calories apiece. Now if only she likes them…


Just only give a bite size portion of people food. Then for going outside and listening give the mini biscuits just one at a time. That’s what I do and my dog is a healthy weight

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Why not give her one canned green bean? Dogs love these and they are like zero calories for each green bean.

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Maybe exercise more with the dog like walking or jogging, that way you both stay healthy.

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That is a very good idea @Aziz . Sticking to it during the winter months may be something I have difficulty with though. I don’t like going outside in the winter. I’ll try though.

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Eat celery in front of the dog. If you’re eating it then it will want some as well.

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Introduce special “diet” formulated dog food.
Try to increase her movements through exercise and no human food except for the occasional veggie.

Limit her dog treats.

These should help, and remember the weight loss won’t happen overnight.

But it’s best to come up with a weight loss plan with the help of her Vet

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Frozen peas, all three of my dogs love them, can give them a couple as a healthy treat. It’s not a lot, it’s healthier, and it doesn’t stop them from having that action/reward mentality that dogs just love.

Few bucks for a bag. Lasts a long while for us.
Our chihuahua loves them frozen for the crunch. She is obsessed with crunchy foods.

It’s hard, I get it. I spoil with food too.

Don’t tell anyone, but I snuck my corgi a piece of prime rib fat last night. :shushing_face:


Instead of giving you dog food give her praise and affection.

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