I hope I’m a good cat dad! Im nervous I haven’t had a cat in 40 years. I hope she likes her new home.
She’ll be scared and nervous at first. Probably hide from you.
But when they start trusting you they make good companions.
Remember to post pics!
Good luck!
You’ll be a great cat dad. And cats make super companions. What is her name?
oh yayyy…happy happy
My female cat hid behind a dresser for a couple of days when I first got her
If you can set up her litter box and food and water bowl in one room where she can feel safe for a little while.
She will eventually feel more comfortable and feel more at home in your house
Congratulations! I’m sure you will make an excellent cat dad @Natron
Casey 151515151515
Thanks @Wave she already went in the cat box. So I’m thrilled.
This is so exciting for you @Natron I am sure you will be a great cat dad
She’s so pretty and she looks friendly too.
Hello to Casey!
Hope you keep each other in good company
Casey is so beautiful!
Thanks! She’s 1 years old. Im trying to fatten her up so she has food available 24/7
Beautiful looking cat, and seems so at ease too.
My cat is also very skinny
I leave out food for her 24/7 also @Natron
Awesome sauce there @Natron
You know they love you as their slave when they follow you everywhere.
Wow Casey is beautiful. Congratulations on the new addition to your family.
Is that your kitten on your profile icon?
She loves love that’s for sure. She very
I wish I could get a cat. But I get too screwed up when they die ( or disappear!), so I’ve decided not to have one.
I’ve had a cat in the past.
Your cat looks like a lot of fun.