Geneticists are starting to unravel evolution's role in mental illness


People who live in European regions with relatively lower winter temperatures, they found, were slightly more genetically prone to schizophrenia. Polimanti suggests that if genes that helped people tolerate cold were located close to variants that promote schizophrenia in the genome, then the latter could have been inadvertently carried along during evolution as a “fellow traveller”.



Iz thiz any help in sz…!!!


Hahaha I love you @far_cry0 !!
May you be healthy and happy,
may you be rich and successful,
may all your dreams come true!!

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It should be… A smart scientist would study those genetic regions and might find something of interest. Before this happens it’s gonna take decades.

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I can only wait 15 years for cure…


No because were supposed to be getting better as we evolve not worse. Evolution makes no sense

Might be many decades before we get a firm grasp on what sz really is.

I bet we will get new treatments around that time. At least sz is so notorious, less than 1% ppl have it, but everyone knows what it is cuz sz’s go murdering people so we have big reputation. I bet there are plenty of scientists eager to leave their stamp on the future of schizophrenia treatment.


Waiting for a cure is not healthy. Sure, there might be a cure someday. But don’t expect there to be a pill that magically whisks it all away.
Try to work on accepting and living with what you’ve got instead of feeling like you have to fight it off until a cure emerges.

You seem just a little too obsessed with finding “the cure”.
I’m saying this out of love for you, because I want you to be happy, but I don’t believe you truly will be until you accept that the sz is and always will be a part of you.
Take care :slight_smile:

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That is interesting, I have a very high cold tolerance compared to other people