Gender. ? .?

OK, good tip. Gender, equality is great.

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I used to wear patches on my clothes.

Never thought of it, but there are a lot of foods on here, arenā€™t there? Good observation.

e(Y)e Am a Guy ā€¦ ,

One of thee Smartest Guys on tha Planet ā€¦ ,

No Joking ā€¦ ,

e(Y)eā€™m Being Serious Rite Now ā€¦ ,

THEE . SMARTEST . GUY . ON . THA . PLANET . < ------- Whoa Yo Thaz Carayzee < ------- Fo Reel (!!!) ,

and As tha Smartest Guy on tha Planet < ------- Wait You Really Are THEE Smartest Guy ,


You Know It Yo Yo (!!!) ,

and Perhaps One of thee Most ShmexXxie ā€¦ ,

Every Mourning While e(Y)e Awaken From My Slumber of Our Solar System e(Y)e Gaze into tha Mirror and Say Six Hundred and Sixty Six T(Y)me$ ,

ā€œmirror mirror you still are tha prettiestā€ ā€¦ ,


All tha Women on My Street , Ring tha Doorbell Every Three (OR) Six Minuets ā€¦ ,

Itā€™s Weird e(Y)e Know .


I could have swornā€¦if I swearā€¦ That u were a female orangeā€¦

I have two X cromizones

Well I donā€™t about the rest of you, but when I try to come up with a name/avatar for websites, first I have to let the initial flood of ideas go by and ignore them, because theyā€™re all gonna be super weird emo/edgy ideas or some bizarre potentially disturbing crap. THEN I have to reach around in my mind for some random, neutral thing. And it seems like food is a popular category when the brain is trying to accommodate a request for a random thing. Itā€™s either that or I have to look around my room for inspiration, which means Iā€™ll wind up with a username like QuestionableTowel or DustyShelf.

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Thatā€™s interesting. How you look for ways to come up with a name for an avatar. So insightful.

Iā€™m a man. 15 characters.

I was actually born as both a male and a dog. I had both dog and human genitalia. Itā€™s a very rare condition that only affects 1 out of 200,000 newborn babies. My parents consulted the with the doctors for weeks and they decided to raise me as a boy. I underwent hormone treatments for a year and a half and I had the gender realignment surgeries so I am now fully a male but I still have a trace of dog sexual organs.


Are you telling us youā€™re a werewolf?

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I Was a Teenage Werewolf.

But youā€™ve mellowed?

He probably cut his hair and started shaving.

Like cheeseā€¦

ima dude dude :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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XX :woman: 15characters

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I just thought you liked turnips :no_mouth:

Some people might think of me as effeminate because my interests are different from most males, but I feel like I am totally masculine. Iā€™m not as interested in professional football as some guys, and Iā€™m not that much into cars. I donā€™t like professional wrestling, but I do like amateur wrestling.

Im a guyā€¦

So, these images do nothing for you? :wink: