On my android phone I play tentacle wars…its a strategy germ game…I was playing blendoku after someone on here said they play it…it really helps and its challenging… And some elemental combining circle game…they all make me think and plan stuff out…anyone got any others they use
I like blendoku too.
I thought I was good at it…but the later levels got hard I had to take a break lol…I heard women in general can tell colours apart better than men…I wonder if this game can prove it…
I just tried blendoku for the first time. It’s fun and I’m pretty good at it —probably cause I’m a girl
Holy ■■■■ your a girl…oh wait we did this already lol…are you gonna post your gender after everything now lol
Blendoku is my favorite, I have all the extra levels and have just 38 to go before I’ve beaten all of Blendoku 1 and 2.
I also find that a game as simple as 2048 both chills me out and makes me strategize. My favorite is City 2048, because I like building towns more than just adding. I’ve never gotten higher than the equivalent of 1024, though.
Do you play Little Alchemy?
They have a site lumosity.com that is full of games like that. You have to pay to do all of it but a portion is free.
I suck at strategy games. I don’t have a smart phone and am reluctant to join sites like lumosity. I think it would be different if you started off with some easier games and then they got harder the more proficient you got. It’s very dispiriting/off putting to get nowhere from the get go and to be continually ranked worse than bad,
somebody on here posted brainhq.com I just checked it out and it has a lot of the games they do in cognitive therapy.
I don’t know if having an XBox One counts, but yesterday I downloaded _Tron:Evolution yesterday and played it some last night. I love it!
Decided to sign up for the full brainhq. Boy do I suck. The percentile was boosted by the people skills. Even at the simplest stage it was all way too fast for me.
you did better than me… It does help though over time - my dd was doing this for her therapy and she started out like at 4% in tracking and perception and she has increased it to 80% over six months time. She has an eye issue where her left eye is almost blind not from eyesight but it doesn’t transmit what it sees to the brain so she is only getting info from the other eye. It has improved so much! She used to walk into walls and such because she could see but her brain didn’t get it.
Two comments:
First, don’t worry about how you compare to others. What you’re looking for is your own baseline performance. Once you’ve established that, work on improving it over time. Constantly comparing yourself to others will just make you miserable. I’m a very proficient Olympic style target recurve archer, but I’m no Kim Woojin. I am slowly improving, however.
Second, you’re measuring yourself against other people in the wrong areas. I’ve worked under three different PhDs and not one of them wrote as well as you do as consistently as you do. I was constantly having to correct the items they sent to post on our corporate intranet to keep them from looking bad – spelling and grammar errors EVERYWHERE. Seriously. A couple of these guys were very well known in their field (knowledge management) and you’re eating their lunch in terms of writing skills. So what if you can’t beat them in a brain training game? Real life is about communicating and you do that very VERY well indeed. You need to give yourself more credit for those areas where you kick serious booty.
I may be wrong but given the speed element to these games I think if you can improve brain speed you can improve over all . Unfortunately it is not one of my strong areas, as can be seen.
Some things went up(noticeably people skills) and some things went down(noticeably attention and,to a lesser degree,brain speed). Still at 22nd percentile but improved from 24th to 25th percentile for my age.
I seem to be best at the people skills but think a lot of that is because of the 2 games involving faces. The one involving remembering items of conversation is much harder for me. I improved on both the face based games but not the one involving conversation.
That ties in with real life experiences. I am not good, for example, at verbally taking in multiple sets of information/instructions. I much prefer things written down. I don’t know if others here have difficulty retaining verbal information ,ie whether it is symptomatic of those of us with psychosis/schizophrenia/severe mental illness.
We should try Tetris also, is a good one for memory and concentration.
I think difficulty with verbal information is a biggy with sz. At least it is for me. Written I do much better at with the exception of recently. I have been having a lot of trouble writing words correctly and it take s me forever to type/write to correct. Also having trouble reading when there’s lots of info altogether. Long posts I just read a line or two from each section or my brain misfires and it just jumbles up.
What is the site of this game? BrainHQ, right?