Future with AI?

what do you guys think? with it be possible or will they take over the world?

I think we’ve already gone too far.

Hah. Alexa can’t even get the weather right.


why do you think that Sherlock?

Bevause I already find it frightening that people are more than happy to let AI do the thinking for them. I know people that will not drive around now without gps ai , despite the fact that they’ve been driving to some of these destinations most of their life. Weird addiction to tech.

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Anything is possible. It is up to us to shape what AI becomes.

Your post made me think about what will happen to the brain as we become more technologically involved and dependent.

Like, will neurons kinda fire at partial capacity? Will the brain lose certain skills that have been with us since the dawn of man?

Big questions for 8 in the morning though :sweat_smile:.


AI can never connect to universe…
We are all in sync with universe…
AI will be in sync only with human help…

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We will join with it via brain implants


Nah man its like cyborgs will just make everything obselete…

Lord know what those battles will look like.

To put it in context… We have multiples… Nay a multitude of people competing to design thinking machines, yet no-one on earth is even nearly close to reengineering biological systems in their entirety.

With have synaptic feedback wired into every millimeter of our bodies… Our brains are psychoemotive and entirely tied to consumption and activity… All promoted by baked in genetic selfawareness.

Being a being, if you will, goes far beyond understanding… We are integral parts of the universe and no doubt its most odd outcroppings of potential.

It weirds me out every day.

Take a counter instance for example… Computer becomes smarter than humankind… But knows its not comprehensive unless it actually contains the contextual relevance of human kind… Or more specifically having access to the same perspective of experience we do.

So the computer(which likely can reproduce biological systems)… Set out to create an artificial human so that it may gain everything it knows it lacks…

Point being… Cyborgs win. Integrate today.


I mean, the potential for excellence is there— AI could revolutionize complex medical procedures, solve braintwisting mathematic and physics equations, and aid us in better understanding our world.

…But yea, we’ll probs just use the bots for war games and nookie :sweat_smile:.


Yeah like new drivers growing up with lane keeping, backup cams, auto parallel parking, adaptive cruise control and of course the gps. Lol there hooped if that tech malfunctions


I think the human drive for superiority will prevent that from happening. I think AI will be ever present in our lives from algorithms on YouTube to Face ID on our phones. But I don’t think we will be a lesser “species” because of AI development.

I’ve always wondered if you could map out all the circuitry of the brain exactly, and put it on a silicon robot, would you have created a sentient being, or would you have simply made a mechanical toy?

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We are also machines. The only thing is that the AI machines will be more advanced than us. Faster, quicker, more creative.


I for one welcome out new overlords.

Biological life is basically just a boot loader to computerized intelligence.

A platform….


I dont think AI is horrible. I think its a useful tool. I generated a screenplay based on The Breakfast Club Meets, Pineapple Express comedy and it was actually good. It helps to teach you how to format. Its not an actual teacher or person, and not creative enough to write anything as brilliant or better than a 1 year old child or any child who ever learns to write there is no creativity to it whatsoever–but as far as engineering goes it can format things in a good way that it can teach you or help you self-teach in a way that combined with hybrid learning would be beneficial.

Honestly I always struggled with how to put my thoughts to words. If I can generate a text in a format that is more accurate to how i think its an incredible resource.

Since my internet automatically went offline again Im just going to add that AI could help with teaching environmental sustainability to people and elevate those in poverty who cannot afford college, have been left out in the cold or fell through the systemic cracks in the capitalism.

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