So as I mentioned I went to go to urgent care because j read online they can test for diabetes. Turns out they closed at 2 so I checked myself into the er for my urinary problems (been going like once an hour at least). Blood sugar was slightly high but they said normal range. Cant diagnose diabetes in the er, j figured as much but needed some kind of relief from my anxiety. Blood pressure dropped to 92/60 and was told I’m dehydrated. Tested for possible UTI a d bladder infection, came back negative, so needed pelvic exam to rule out STDs. I have no worries about STDs but apparently it’s possible based on my urinary frequency. Pelvic exam sucked. I’m a trans guy so yay dysphoria. Kind of hurt then was just uncomfortable. Now I have to wait over an hour for a result but they said they’ll send me home after that and call me if the rest comes back positive. Not sure what else it could be besides maybe high anxiety?
I hope they get to the cause of it .
I’m so sorry you’re going through all of this. I hope they get down to the bottom of it all and you get to feeling better.
Thanks you guys
They sent me home with no answers but following up with PC
I also have high urinary frequency and dont know the cause for it yet. I have anxiety so that’s possible
They tested you but won’t give you the result?! Why test you? Is that just so they can get money from your insurance?
In re: pelvic exam. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Some drs can make it not hurt and some drs can’t. Plus dealing with being a man and having a vagina to check must have been awful. I’m really sorry you went through that.
No the results were all negative they just said they dont understand the cause of it. And yeah it is hard being a man with a vagina I’ve gotten a lot more used to it than I used to be but things like this are triggering
It’s so annoying!
Well at least you got good news
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